Meats are a great source of protein, but they can also be dangerous if not handled properly. Raw meats need to be cooked before you eat them; otherwise, they can contain harmful bacteria like E. coli or Salmonella. These bacteria cause food poisoning which may lead to serious illness or even death in some cases. To prevent food poisoning from raw meats:
Use separate cutting boards and utensils for cutting raw meat
When you’re preparing raw meat, use one cutting board for the meat and another one for everything else. The same goes for your utensils—use a separate fork or spoon to stir the marinade or spread mustard on your sandwich and make sure to wash them thoroughly after use. Raw meat juices can get onto fruits and vegetables, so it’s best to wash all fresh produce before eating it (unless you’re using organic produce).
Wash your utensils and cutting boards after handling raw meats
This step is important because it’s easier to transfer harmful bacteria from raw meat to other surfaces. To be sure that utensils and cutting boards are thoroughly cleaned, use warm soapy water and rinse with hot water. Dry thoroughly with paper towels or a clean cloth.
• Make sure to clean all surfaces that come into contact with raw meats, including countertops, sink areas, and dishcloths.
• Use separate cutting boards for cooked meats and raw meats.
Wash your hands and arms with soap and water after handling raw meats
To ensure you aren’t cross-contaminating your work area or other food items, follow these steps to properly wash your hands after handling raw meat:
• Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, making sure to get between the fingers and under the fingernails.
• Use warm water, not hot. Hot water can melt fats and proteins which makes it easier for bacteria to spread.
• If you don’t have access to soap and water, use a hand sanitiser that contains at least 60% alcohol (check the label). Don’t rely on hand wipes—they are not as effective as using actual soap and water.
• Even if you didn’t touch the meat directly, always wash your hands after handling raw meat because it may contain bacteria from other surfaces in the kitchen where it was prepared or stored like cutting boards or countertops.
If you’re cooking a large amount of meat, make smaller portions before freezing
If you’re cooking a large amount of meat, cut it into smaller portions before freezing, so it will thaw faster. Also, it’s good practice to follow these tips when dealing with refrigerated or frozen meat:
• Never freeze meat that is already frozen.
• Never defrost meat in the microwave.
• Meat shouldn’t be stored in the fridge for too long before cooking (less than two days).
It’s important to take steps to make sure you handle meat safely
It’s important to take steps to make sure you handle meat safely because meat can put you at risk for food poisoning. Food poisoning is a common occurrence that can be caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites. The most common symptoms of food poisoning are nausea and vomiting which usually lasts less than 24 hours but can last up to 7 days in some cases. Some strains of bacteria have been known to cause severe stomach cramps, diarrhoea and vomiting that may come on suddenly after eating contaminated food.
If you suspect that your illness was caused by the consumption of contaminated meat do not eat any more until you receive medical attention from a doctor or healthcare provider who specializes in infectious disease management.
As you can see, it’s important to take steps to make sure you handle meat safely, because meat can put you at risk for food poisoning. However, there are many other ways that food poisoning happens as well, so be sure not only to follow these guidelines but also read up on other tips on how best to practice safe cooking habits!